Mar 31, 2008

Spring is Here, Kind of!

Today, Mother Nature decided to play a joke. Today is Mach 31st 2008 and it snowed last night! Not a light dusting of powder sugar but about 6-8"s of Snow Cone ready snow. Ha Ha Ha Very funny, I know tomorrow is April Fools and maybe Mother Nature is just practicing for a bigger joke saved for tomorrow. I however hope this is not a warm up because I am voicing my opinion that this really wasn't funny!

I am SOOO ready for Spring! I want to walk down the street without the bottom of my pants getting wet from sloshing through snow. I want to go outside for more then 10 minutes before I begin to shiver and begin to dream of hot chocolate, a fireplace or a steamy hot bath. I want to hear playful birds in the trees or on roof tops. I want to feel the warm caress of the sun and the soft kisses on my cheek as a light breeze travels by.

I don't mind rain at this time of year, in fact I love the sound and smell of rain. But Snow? Really not funny. I realize Utah is a desert and Utah is known for "The Greatest Snow on Earth" and we have been lacking water for years.... but I really just want to go outside and not freeze!!

So here is my Plea!! PLEASE, Mother Nature, Let it be Spring already!! Thank you!

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