Jan 17, 2009

West Coast Swing

I had the pleasure of going dancing at the Murray Art Center (MAC) last night. The MAC gives dances lessons followed by a free for all. I met up with new, now friends Joey and Logan. Joey was kind of a set up by my bestie Britty!! Thanks girl, I had sooo much fun!!

Swing dancing just became a new hobby of mine!! This style of dancing is so much more active and beautiful then the typical club style stuff.

In addition,.. this also just became a new requirement of my future Mr. Right,.. he has to know how to dance and he has to like it as much as I do. Yes, girls these men exist!!

After the dance, we went to Joey's house and played Rock Band, I rock on guitar on easy mode! I did try bass on medium and I am proud of myself I got through songs,... my fingers are small it was a big stretch to hit the blue key. I even sang,.. Daysi if your reading this,.. well you know how well that went ;)

1 comment:

Brittainy Nelson said...

Its a good thing I'm a match maker!! HAHA glad you guys had fun!!