Dec 6, 2008

2009 Resolutions, starting Now!!

I can sum up the year 2008 in one word CHANGE! It has been bad change, change that felt bad even though it was really for the best and good change. Either way there was a lot of it, and change can be stressful when you resist it the way I do. It has been a stressful year and I am actually glad it will be over,.. I hope 2009 will be a little more comfortable and stagnate. I however know this will not be the case as I have goals in place for 2009 which involve yet again major change.

I plan on selling my Townhome and moving into an apartment. This will cut my housing costs in half and will give me a nice chunk of equity. I am taking this plan slow, the market is slow and I would like top dollar. I have set the target date to be ready to list by March 2009, hopefully the economy has turned around a bit. Once listed who knows how long it will be on the market before it actually sells. I have some more painting before it looks top notch,.. I love decorating!

I plan on selling my car and this goal is dependant on the sell of the Townhome. I plan on taking the equity and spending 2-4k to buy an older outright. This will save me a $300 car payment and will lower my insurance rates.

Another major goal for 2009 is physically I want to be healthy and strong. I have started the P90X program, Amazing and WOW, hard. I have had to work up to being able to do the full weekly program, even now I get really excited when I accomplish the whole video. I am getting less sore and I am starting to have a lot more energy. I have also changed my diet to exclude “junk food” Soda, sugar and hydrogenated oil. <> I have added multi vitamins, vitamin C, more water, Omega 3 oils and whole live foods to my diet. Finding new products daily,.. new find apple cider vinegar, I will Blog about it, if I see a big result.

2009 Goals Summary

  • Financially: Be 100% out of debt and have $500 a month for savings or investments.

  • Physically: Be in the best shape I have ever been in my life, workout 5x a week, eat healthy wholesome foods, 80oz of water a day, monthly cleanses and good sleep.
  • Mentally: Finish my Associates Degree. Start school for web design, interior design or photography.
  • Spiritually: Church at least 3x a month (sometimes I have to work) Read 20 min 5x a week the BOM or another spiritual based book. Say nightly and morning prayers.
  • Creativity: Once a week work on writing my book Everyday Ordinary.
  • Friends & Family: Connect with a different member of my family 3x a week. Hang out with a different friend 5x a month. Update my Blog bi-weekly.
  • Travel: I will have at least 2, 5 -10 day vacations in 2009.
  • ME: Love myself everyday, budget for the cutest cloths and make sure I give myself opportunities to grow, explore, create and have fun!!

1 comment:

Kell said...

I like the goals! keep it up I know you can do it!