Jan 10, 2009


Sometimes I am so freaking bored with life! My regular day goes something like this:

6am Wake up
630am Work Out
730am Get ready for work
830am Leave for work
900am arrive to work
1000am Break
1015am back to work
1200 Lunch
1230pm back to work
330pm Break
345pm back to work
500-530pm leave work
600pm get home take care of the dogs
630pm chat on the phone, watch a movie, read a book or play of face book
900pm get ready for bed
1000-1100pm go to bed

Where is the adventure? Where is the excitement? I am freaking bored!!! If life is what you make of it,.. I need to find a way to make money without having to work or go into a career that is all about adventure,.. I could become a treasure hunter like Lora Croft or pursue a career as a cage master (not sure if that is the official title),.. for those that dive with great white sharks.

maybe this is just the bad weather talking or the fact that I have not seen or played in the sun for almost a month now.

I need a new hobby, I need warmth and I need to be outside!!!

1 comment:

Brandi said...

I hear ya! I live on a fantastic island, but I work 10 hours a day and commute an hour each way, so do I even see that tropical sun??? Hardly! Only on the weekends. Blah!!